Contact Us

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5278 East Shelby Road
Medina, NY, 14103
United States

We are a non-denominational, bible-believing church located in Medina, NY. This is our extension into the world, where our goal is to reach you through the publication of our lessons.

Bulletin Board

Keep Your Information Current:

New updated lists are out! See Missy Maurer or Paula Eick if you still need one!

Please be sure your current phone number is in the calling tree!
Please check with Missy Maurer or Paula Eick and they can update your information!

We are always  collecting 
'Cans for Kids'!

       If you would like to help support the 
    Anna M. Enoch Orphanage 
  Liberia, West Africa,
bring your clean returnable cans and bottles to church!

God is blessing this mission in so many ways. PLEASE continue to help these folks! 

Do you have something that needs to be posted on the Bulletin Board?

Please email us at this address:

This Month’s Cleaning Schedule:

March 2 - Allen/Williams/DiGuilio

March 8 - Lang/Dispenza

March 15 - Eaton/Dixson

March 22 - SwanCrew

March 29 - Dix/Witkop

This Month’s Nursery Schedule:

March 3 - Dispenza/Carol P.

March 9 - Dix

March 16 - Olsen/Dixson

March 23 - Miller

March 30 - Wroblewski

Crescent Circle
This meeting is open to all ladies, please plan to join us!
The purpose of this group is for additional fellowship, to support one another, and others in need.

Meeting Dates:

March 9